PerLite Window Film 

PerLite ceramic-based, neutral gray security films combine relatively low reflectance with excellent solar energy rejection – cutting heat gain and glare, saving on HVAC costs while providing protection from shattered glass.

Available in 6 mil 35% and 50% VLT and in 10 mil 35% and 50% VLT.

Product name 6 Mil PerLite 35 6 Mil PerLite 50 10 Mil PerLite 35 10 Mil Perlite 50
Transmitted % 40 52 40 52
Reflected (Int) % 16 16 17 16
Reflected (Ext) % 18 17 17 16
U V Rejected % 99 99 99 99
Shading Coefficient 0.52 0.62 0.53 0.64
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.44 0.53 0.46 0.55
Total Solar Energy Rejected %  56 47 54 45

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